The BRCvr Story

Inspired after attending his first Burning Man or ‘Burn’ in 2014, BRCvr lead developer and VR pioneer, Greg Edwards, set out to build a virtual Playa and 1:1 scale 3D model of Black Rock City all in virtual reality (VR). An ambitious and ahead-of-its-time art project to show how Burning Man culture can be extended into new realms of experience, BRCvr is now a perfectly timed platform to provide a COVID-safe, immersive experience. 

In 2015 Greg was joined at the helm by Athena Demos, the then Burning Man Regional Contact and Executive Director of the LA League of Arts, the LA Burning Man Regional Organization. In 2020 the well known storyteller and documentarian, Doug Jacobson, joined the organization and BRCvr was born.

With BRCvr, they together were able to extend the culture, principles and creativity that make Burning Man what it is on a platform, VR, which was explicitly built for inclusion and interactivity. It is our responsibility to ensure our simulated expression stays true to the Burning Man ethos. BRCvr is a portal to infinite possibilities, designed by the community for the community.